Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Just a ramblin' fool

That's me. I just did a radio interview (via telephone, and to air on the same radio station where I worked as a DJ in college, actually) to promote the benefit performance of my current play that we're doing in my small hometown this weekend. ("It won't air until Friday, so we'll say 'tomorrow night' instead of 'Saturday night,' okay?" Got it. "Now remember, we'll say 'tomorrow night' instead"...got it.) I had all kinds of witty, articulate things to say, planned out in my head. Pithy quotes about the beautiful script, compelling insights about my character, etc. Sadly, they're mostly all still there...unsaid. Gah. Instead, I rambled. I even (gahhh!!) succumbed a couple of times (briefly, thank god) to the dreaded "umm..." time killer, while I ransacked my brain for all those words I knew were there. Damn you, words! What, you couldn't come out from behind my medulla oblongata for a minute and say hello? It wasn't all my fault, though...the interviewer asked mostly about my connection to my hometown ("I, um...grew up there and, um...went to school there and, um...my family still lives there." Okay, maybe I exaggerate slightly.), rather than about the play specifically. Still, I'm generally a fairly articulate person--why did "okay, we're recording now" turn me into a stammering rambler? Oh well, it probably wasn't as bad as I thought it was. The interviewer insisted, when I apologized for rambling on, that it was "great." I have done interviews in the past (mostly for the newspaper, a couple of times for television; at least radio doesn't have the added pressure of making you worry about how you look) that I felt made me sound like a bit of an idiot, only to have everyone assure me that I sounded just fine. Which makes me wonder--maybe I always come across as an idiot, unbeknownst to myself, and therefore when people say I sounded "fine," they're really only saying "no more of a fool than usual!" That's...um...a sobering...um...(what's the word I'm looking for here...) thought, isn't it?


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Plescia Giacinto - Ontologia della physis
Titolo Ontologia della physis
Autore Plescia Giacinto
€ 5,50
Dati 40 p., brossura
Anno 2007
Editore Montedit
Collana Koinè
Normalmente disponibile
per la spedizione entro
2 settimane

Prezzo in altre valute:
$ 6.77 Y. 847
£ 3.69 F 8.75

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In sintesi
L'ontologia della differenza, quasi fosse un chaos, non ha trovato forme stabili di rappresentazione a causa della sua origine abissale. Nello zeit-raum mozartiano, metafora del chaosmos, spazio e tempo sono governati da una differenza e dialogia: tempo ordinato e spazio disordinato, tempo caotico e spazio cosmico.

I vostri commenti
G.Camilla Iannacci (19-03-2007)
Alcuni inediti dell'archivio di G. Colli, in cui è presente un nuovo chiasma del mito, portano a ripercorrere l'interpretanza nicciana di mythos e logos,il concetto di abisso in Givone,alcuni momenti del pensiero heideggeriano,ad interrogarsi se logos e techne prevalgono sul mito o sono una sua singolarità e impongono una riflessione sulla problema del tempo. Un'innovazione teorica, tramite l'attrattore strano di Lorenz e le teorie di Hawking, delinea il paradigma della temporalità immaginaria,altra da quella lineare,e fa emergere una Topologia dell’Essere che vede il mithos all'interno di spazi topologici. La crisi dei fondamenti "non obbliga ad accettare le conseguenze antifilosofiche di alcuni" (Parrini),la nuova epistemologia è messa in guardia dai rischi del relativismo(Lanfredini), mentre il sentiero interrotto della crisi,dai frattali di Mandelbrot alle catastrofi di Thom, sembra condurre ad una noematica ontologica godeliana. Quando il sapere,per esempio,ha di fronte a sè un disco in cui sia incisa una musica può definirne l'evoluzione;lo stesso soggetto visivo, all'interno del disco,non riesce a stabilire un percorso,un senso:si trova in una situazione chaotica. I confini e l'orizzonte degli eventi sono ben delineati (es. a forma di disco)ma è impossibile calcolare l'itinerario interno. L'ontologia della differenza, quasi fosse un chaos, non ha trovato forme stabili di rappre- sentazione a causa della sua origine abissale. Nello zeit-raum mozartiano,metafora del chaosmos,spazio e tempo sono governati da una differenza e dialogia:tempo ordinato e spazio disordinato,tempo caotico e spazio cosmico. Emerge una ontologia del chaos che dispiega luoghi e regioni ove gli eventi appaiono incom- prensibili e indecidibili e viene delineato un paradigma che va oltre il pensiero debole o forte. G.Camilla Iannacci
Voto: 5 / 5

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Stefanie said...

This is why I conduct the majority of my communication via email. No matter how articulate I think I can be at times, it never comes out right when I want it to. That said, I'm sure you were fine. How's the play going?

Also, do we need Sognatrice to translate that first comment, or can we assume it's comment spam?

Oooh! Foreign comment spam!! You're so classy, Liz... ;-)

-R- said...

Maybe you were inarticulate compared to your high standards, but compared to everyone else, you are still amazing! I don't think I have ever been interviewed (except for a job), so I am jealous!

I have been getting spam, but nothing so foreign!

Anonymous said...

the spam has totally thrown me off of what i was going to say other than, umm... yeah... i'm sure you did.. umm, well, spoke real good!

3carnations said...

I'm sure you sounded fine...I'm also distracted by the Italian spam...Or is it "Spamo Italiano"?

lizgwiz said...

stef, that IS some impressive spam work, isn't it? And I am nothing if not classy, with a capital K.

-r-, I will happily let you pretend to be me the next time I'm interviewed by phone!

gorillabuns, it is...um, distracting, isn't it? Sadly, I have no such excuse for this morning, since I shut myself up in an empty office to do the interview, specifically to avoid distractions. Sigh. ;)

3car, I think I'm going to dub it "Spamatini." Or maybe just "Spamoni." Hee.

Anonymous said...

"Spamoni" - hee!

The other day, my phone was acting up and I could hear the echo of everything I was saying. Horrifying how often I said "umm" and "like." Yes, this is why I love blogging!

metalia said...

Yeah, I...um, wow. I love how "Jenny" is just randomly tossed in there among all the Italian.

Now, on to you: that is SO exciting. I'm sure you sounded great...congrats!

don't call me MA'AM said...

ha! chickadee is so funny... "spamoni." HAHAHA!

Maybe I should just insert some Italian aria lyrics here, just so I fit in... "O mio babbino caro mi piace..." okay, I'll stop now.

I pride myself on being a good speaker. It's my job actually. But get me in a job interview, and I'm a-ramblin, ramblin, ramblin. Kind of like this comment. The End. :-)

lizgwiz said...

chickadee, yes, blogging is good--no "umm" unless I CHOOSE it. Hee.

metalia, I also noticed "area partner" thrown in there. And that's Italian for...? Ha.

dcmm, I admire people who can speak eloquently off the cuff. I am NOT one of them. People assume because I'm a performer, that I don't mind public speaking, but they're two completely different things. I get to REHEARSE my lines in a play--makes all the difference!

stinkypaw said...

...um...I'm sure you weren't...um... bad! ;-)