Tuesday, September 08, 2009

I believe in second chances.

So, yeah...I spent quite a bit of time this weekend with Hot Med and the Med family. Sunday afternoon Hot Sis called to see if I wanted to meet her and Hot Med at Starbucks. (Always with the Starbucks.) I inquired as to whether HE really wanted me to come, she assured me he did, so I went. Hot Med instantly jumped up to offer me a seat, and bought me an iced tea. It was a little awkward for a bit, then we all relaxed. Eventually we decided to go check out an art sale in a hotel, then Sis insisted that I come over so she could make us all dinner. Hot Bro and Sis-in-Law showed up soon after with nephew in tow (they'd been out trying to teach him to rollerblade) and we all had a nice dinner together. Pasta with vegetables. Of course. Sigh. But hey--this time they put CHEESE on it. Heh. There was some discussion of planning a joint birthday party in a couple of weeks--turns out SIL and I have the same birthday, and Sis's is just four days earlier. Eventually Bro and SIL left, and diplomatically insisted that Sis take Nephew out for more rollerblading, so Hot Med and I could have some time alone.

A little talk, some promises of better behavior, a little canoodling, a plan to get together at some point the next day.

He called me bright and early yesterday morning, and I took him and Sis to lunch (nephew was out again on the rollerblades), we hung out for much of the afternoon, then we dropped her off and he and I went back to my place for a while.

So, it seems to be back on. And, like I said, I believe in second chances. (Third chances? That's a different story.) And, truthfully, looking back, I wasn't blameless in the friction, either. I mean, he was being a jerk and all, but...I haven't been in the greatest mood the last month or so, either (as evidenced by my near complete failure to post on this blog), and I think we were both guilty of letting our bad moods effect our relationship. Which is a completely vicious cycle, of course. But clearly we each missed the other while we were on hiatus, so...I think another try seems reasonable.

And that's where it stands for now. But don't worry--I am perfectly willing to drive off again and leave him standing in the Starbucks parking lot if things go bad a second time. You know--fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice...um...er...you can't get fooled again! (Thanks, Dubya.)


3carnations said...

Well, good. I hope it goes better this time around.

And yay, for cheese. All foods should have cheese. Except maybe french toast.

nancypearlwannabe said...

Hot Med better step his game up. My boy got his third strike already, so he's out. You know, if he ever manages to call me back.

Stefanie said...

I think you're dating his whole family. Which is good, since obviously the family didn't approve the breakup. And I'm not so sure we need to rule out french toast with cheese... Done right, couldn't it almost be a grilled cheese sandwich?? :-)

stinkypaw said...

As long as you're happy, it's all good, right? Right! Glad you agree!

-R- said...

As long as you're willing to ditch him at Starbucks, I think it sounds good. =)

Sauntering Soul said...

It seems a lot of people have been in a funk lately. Hopefully things will be better for the two of you now.

Anonymous said...

I am glad you did give him a second chance. I am fond of Hot Med and the entire Hot Family. I am fonder of you, of course, so am glad that you're not going to get fooled again (did he really say that? Of course he did, why am I even surprised?).